Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008


Jayson's Mom Mary and I took Mia and Jayson's little brother Jaycob to see sesame street live Elmo makes music.

Jayson and I debated for weeks about taking Mia, Jayson thought that she wouldn't last through the whole thing and I disagreed that I thought she was ready for the challenge! and I won that battle!
She loved it so much and sat the entire time with her eyes glued to the stage! I am thankful to have someone to go see silly musicals and theater stuff with! It was so fun!

You have to see this video it is hillarious, Mia was rocking out!

Thanks Giving

We had such a wonderful time in redding for Thanks Giving, We spent the Day playing and eating! Then on black Friday we did the same thing over again because My Mom and Dad were able to come home for a few days over the Holiday, It was a great time!
And We are all so excited for next week cause We all get to meet My sister Amy's baby for the first time!